9 December 2011

Year 4's Visit to Christ Church.

Yesterday (8/12/11) both Year 4 classes braved the weather and walked over to Christ Church for an afternoon of activities organised by Rev Mike McGurk. Children had to go on a treasure hunt inside the church as well as think of 3 things they would give the baby Jesus if he was born today. We finished off by singing some Christmas songs.

5 December 2011

Pippa the Panda comes to visit

Also last week Pippa the Panda came to visit Nursery , Reception and Key Stage 1. 

The police mascot is being used for community events such as teaching children personal and  road safety. The children were really thrilled to see her.

It's Behind You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Tuesday (29/11/11) the whole school enjoyed watching a performance of "Snow White & The Seven Dwarves" thanks to Mr Root who kindly paid for such a fantastic performance. The children in the hall could probably be heard from inside the Arndale Centre !!
The cast, which one is Snow White ?

The children really enjoying the performance.

29 November 2011

Be the first one to leave a comment and win a prize!

It's as simple as that ! If you would love to win a small prize be first to post  a comment telling me what you like about our blog and I will get you a prize! 
Mr Garrett

25 November 2011

C.S.I. Harpur Mount

Searching with tweezers in every hidden place
Yesterday (24/11/11) the upstairs room was turned into a crime scene ! 4 Bodies needed to be identified.
As part of a science workshop groups of Yr 6 and Yr 5 pupils had to search for evidence to find what had happened to these poor individuals. 
Joe from class 15 said "It was outstanding, I learnt that you had to search hard for the truth."
Busy filling up the evidence bag

What's in the pocket ?
Searching everywhere for mysterious clues
Inspector Sherlock Holmes

Children In Need - Pyjama Day

Last Friday the school held it's annual Children in Need day and raised a staggering £689.50 through the sale of biscuits,colouring competitions and having a day wearing your P.J's!!

10 November 2011

Author in School !!

Children's author Damian Harvey came to visit our school on Tuesday 8th November. He visited all the classes where we all had a great time writing short stories. The children certainly enjoyed his enthusiasm , "He was really funny!" said Ifrah in Year 2.
Damian reading one of his "Robot" stories.
Dressing as a pirate.
Taking ideas from Year 4
A popular member of Year 6 !
At the end of school children could buy some of his books and have them signed. Thanks Damien!
Here is a link to his website

20 October 2011

Homework ? It's really important you know.....

As half term approaches Miss Jackson has asked me to upload this document about helping children with their homework.

As a teacher it is really pleasing to see quality homework returned, also when a pupil wants to do extra work at home I am always pleased to mark it (thanks Bethany and Katie from my Maths group!!)
Download or view below

"Getting Into Homework" Booklet

Football Fund Raiser !!

The sound of cheering was to be heard from the upstairs hall on Tuesday.
 A huge, inflatable set of nets dominated the hall with pupils trying to score goals for charity. 
Throughout the day all classes had a go at scoring as many points as possible to help raise funds for both school and charity. With Niki (from Proscore Academy) calculating all the points for the best scorer in each class.

Well done to all those children who managed to get sponsors.

18 October 2011

The future of Music........

Working with my Year 1 group on Monday we came across some guitars in the Music Room and had an impromptu performance of the "ABC" song. They enjoyed it that much, they wanted to get up on stage to do an encore. A future in the music industry awaits!

13 October 2011

We Loved The Disco !!

On Wednesday, after school, all the children enjoyed a disco. Excellent behaviour and a great time was had by all. The staff enjoyed it too! Click on the image to live the occasion !

30 September 2011

Who was Mr Garrett ?

As you may of heard today it was my turn to dress up and celebrate with the children for being awarded a place on Captain's table. A tradition I have kept going since my first ever visit, it helps to make it even more special for the children. Well, the fancy dress came out and so did lots of similar questions.
"Who are you suppose to be, Mr Garrett?"
"Virgil out of Thunderbirds!"
"Oh. who's that?" Followed by a blank look.
 I have posted both characters as a way of an answer, which is which, it's very uncanny ?

A visit by our Local M.P

Graham Stringer, MP for Blackley and Broughton  dropped into school today for a brief visit. Miss Jackson gave him a quick tour of school and he met with a number of staff.  He was very impressed with what he saw and commended both the school and children for making him feel very welcome.

Leading Parent Partnership Award

What is it ?
The school is currently working  towards this nationally recognised school award, it is really about putting Harpur Mount at the centre of the Community.
LPPA supports the delivery of the Every Child Matters and Extended Schools agendas

How does it benefit my child and the school ?

  • Improves Pupil progress
  • Improves punctuality, attendance and behaviour
  • Gets you involved in your child's classroom 
  • You become part of their learning at school and out of school time

If you are keen to get involved or would like more information. please contact Michelle Dale or your class teacher

Year 5 Blackpool Zoo Trip

They were very tall!
On Wednesday 21st Year 5 enjoyed a trip to Blackpool Zoo. The weather was beautiful and everyone had a fantastic time. (as can be seen by the Pictures) "I enjoyed the Seal show best" said Lewis
A naughty Monkey 
Don't worry he's not real
Prize if you name this animal!
Studying the camels
Watch out ! They bite!

22 September 2011

Look Out ! Look Out! The Urban Crew is About!

Pupils from Year 5 are now part of our new Urban Crew Team for both the school and surrounding community. Harpur Mount is one of only 11 schools across Manchester who are involved in the project co-ordinated jointly by Northwards Housing and Manchester Communication Academy. They will be patrolling school , keeping it tidy, smart and Green- Just like their uniforms !! 

Year 6 Trip to Imperial War Museum North.

All of Year 6 went to the Imperial War Museum at Salford Quays today ! A really interesting trip was had by all, everyone touched a war medal and also an Incendiary Bomb from the Blitz !
The building was amazing and we all had a visit to the sky platform on the Air Shard,at a height of 55 metres !
Everyone enjoyed the films and Mr Root even came along for the trip. 

16 September 2011

News for the week begin- 12th September

Here is the today's news if you want a link to the original pdf file , pictures and all its
Volume 2, Issue 2
Congratulations to Year 5,
their parents/ carers and Mrs
Grayshan, they have won
the first “reading challenge"
of the year!! 75% of Year 5
were heard to read three
times or more at home.
Close behind them were
Year with 73%. Unfortunately,
all the other year groups
had very disappointing results,
especially Years 1 and
2!! Learning to read is an
essential part of life, so I
would hope that there will
be more year groups in contention
for first place next
Please could I ask you not to
ride bikes and scooters in
the playground when bringing
children to school or
picking them up to go
home. It is dangerous when
there are so many people
If there are any more parents/
cares who are prepared
to help make the
toast in the morning, can
you please speak t Ms Dixon
or Mrs Hill in the office?
I have been so impressed
with the children again this
week. They all seem very
focused and on task, which
is pleasing to see.
Well done to Class 13 for
returning the most data
collection forms. It is much
appreciated! Please can everyone
make sure they have
returned the forms as soon
as possible?
Just a reminder that dinner
money has gone up to
£10.80 per week.

Congratulations to Class
10JB for achieving 100%
attendance! The whole
school attendance was
96.7% which is above our
target! Well done everyone!
Thank you very much for
your continued help and

Future events:
22/09/11—Y6 trip to the Imperial
War Museum
28/09/11—Y5 Black pool Zoo trip
12/10/11—school disco
21/10/11—break up for half term at
normal time
31/10/11—back in school at normal
07/11/11—Parents Evening
09/11/11—school photographs
16/12/11— break up for holidays
From Mr Garret:
All about keeping safe on the
internet, it has different age
group sections. Each has a really
good “games” section where you
learn about such things as the
dangers of Spam emails and chat
rooms. Mr Garrett’s favourite
game is “Wild Web Woods”.HERE !

8 September 2011

Rain , Rain Go Away !!!

It's official , this is one of the wettest starts to any term after the worst summer for 14 years !! 
However the children have been excellent in terms of behaviour and how they have settled into their new classes.
Well Done Everyone!!!

Okay................drum roll..........................
The start of a new item........WEBSITE OF THE WEEK

Found this brilliant website whilst looking through some music blog's the other day. Kept me quiet for hours.


Have a fab weekend, Mr Garrett

7 September 2011

We have Owls and Woodpeckers !

These amazing pictures were produced by Declan Higgins and Joe Seston (with the help of Mr Raiment) at the end of last term. When the boys spotted something in our Nature Area.
The Visitors turned out to be a Woodpecker's Nest and Baby Owl !

Welcome to our New Blog...

It's here, our very first blog and your first place to check for any news regarding our school.