9 December 2011

Year 4's Visit to Christ Church.

Yesterday (8/12/11) both Year 4 classes braved the weather and walked over to Christ Church for an afternoon of activities organised by Rev Mike McGurk. Children had to go on a treasure hunt inside the church as well as think of 3 things they would give the baby Jesus if he was born today. We finished off by singing some Christmas songs.

5 December 2011

Pippa the Panda comes to visit

Also last week Pippa the Panda came to visit Nursery , Reception and Key Stage 1. 

The police mascot is being used for community events such as teaching children personal and  road safety. The children were really thrilled to see her.

It's Behind You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last Tuesday (29/11/11) the whole school enjoyed watching a performance of "Snow White & The Seven Dwarves" thanks to Mr Root who kindly paid for such a fantastic performance. The children in the hall could probably be heard from inside the Arndale Centre !!
The cast, which one is Snow White ?

The children really enjoying the performance.